Noblesville resident wants answers on new city logo

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Dear Editor:

I would like an update on the NEW Noblesville city logo. I certainly don’t think we need one. It seems like we are trying to make “Historic Noblesville” “unhistoric.”

The town fathers got rid of the train museum, and they had to get the tracks out quickly. Now they want to take the heart out of the logo.

I know most of the residents of the city have been downtown on Friday and Saturday nights and have seen all the older cars parked on the square. Of beautiful Historic Building that is the heart of the city, Emily Gaylord, Communications Director for the City of Noblesville, says the courthouse on the logo must go: “It’s not even city property, it’s county property.” It always has been.

I don’t know who’s in charge, but I think spending $20,000 on a new city logo is ridiculous.

Dick McDivitt


9 Comments on "Noblesville resident wants answers on new city logo"

  1. Jack Saberson | November 28, 2020 at 5:43 am |

    Calm down, its only money (our money) Jenson is Ditslear II so by hook or crook, it will happen. Waste? We’ll dah! But its not his or the councils money. I suggest you drink the coolaid and accept 90% of our Officials are in truth liberal democrats at best, far left at worst. Nothing can be changed about them and they know it. The system is rigged they all know it, including smooth talking experienced politician Jenson and company. Just relax and, its not in the peoples hands.

  2. @Jack-you are right by saying that politicians waste taxpayer dollars. You are VERY wrong when you say that only liberals, democrats, and far left democrats waste taxpayer dollars. Have you seen how much Trump and the GOP have increased the deficit since he took office? Spoiler alert-the deficit has increased by trillions under Trump. BOTH parties are irresponsible with taxpayer dollars. I would rather have my taxpayer dollars used to feed and house poor Americans as well as to provide Healthcare to ALL Americans. Instead, our politicians are good at using our taxpayer dollars to blow up black and brown people overseas.

  3. Maybe this hasn’t been said
    Read slowly

    Same problem as most of Hamilton Co
    Too many damn Trumplicans

  4. No Jeff, too many politicians.

  5. Never ceases to crack me up how those that support their “team” are unable to see the forest for the trees, namely that neither party seems to be doing what it should be doing for the people – their employers – at large. Until people can largely recognize that the Democrats and Republicans (at least as they exist now) are not the good guys, we’re going to be stuck on a merry-go-round that never ends. Joseph de Maistre’s quote, roughly translated, is playing itself out unfortunately too well, “ every country gets the government it deserves”.

  6. Wanting to downplay what attracts people to Noblesville instead of capitalizing on what sets us apart does seem short sighted. Like getting rid of the train. Instead of helping to upscale the museum and making it a bigger attraction. I was in Madison a few weeks ago. Their downtown stores had so much traffic it seemed like a weekend. They had pamphlets with self guided walking tours of the town, telling the history of buildings and homes. People who travel to visit Conner Prairie I wouldn’t think would want to explore downtown Fishers. But I do think would have enjoyed a train ride. Just a thought.

  7. Laura Kistner | November 29, 2020 at 3:23 pm |

    Why are people so obsessed with changing our culture? I own a printing shop in Hamilton County and could create a logo for alot less than the proposed amount.ALOT LESS ..SAY FOR $500.00 …ON THE HIGH SIDE.Who comes up with this bilarchy ? And who approves such nonsense? A bunch of overpaid puppets. Power to the people..this is nuts overuse and abuse of our money period.

  8. You think the liberals are in charge?!?! In Noblesville?!?! Did you even see ANY of the election results for our county/precincts….IN was the FIRST STATE to call for Trump,
    with people still in line to vote in some counties. REPUBLICANS are the problem (like Beth Neidermeyer and Gov. Holcomb) and why Noblesville schools are still open and kids are spreading COVID to teachers and all around our community. Schools are super spreaders bc of parents who aren’t being responsible for what their kids do outside of school.

  9. Jim Meacham | December 8, 2020 at 3:34 pm |

    10 grand, 20 grand, whatever…. a chunk of the taxpayer’s hard earned cash, (in the middle of an economic downturn), to spend on something as dad gum USELESS as a logo redesign. The Noblesville Mayor, (and his buddies), are darn bold, (and foolish), with OUR money.

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