Noblesville Cub Scout raises money to provide popcorn for first responders

Lucas Miller, 6, Noblesville, wants to be a firefighter when he grows up. (Photo provided by WISH-TV)



A Noblesville Cub Scout delivered a special gift to first responders.

Lucas Miller, 6, raised $1,000 to buy popcorn for the Carmel Fire Department and Police Department, the Noblesville Fire Department and local EMTs.

He brought $300 worth of popcorn to Station 73 in Noblesville on Thursday. Miller is a first year Cub Scout and wanted to give back to public safety.

“They work so hard,” he said.

“We ran into a few firefighters at an event here in Noblesville and one of them told him that they love popcorn, that they like snacking on it, they like having it at the station and it’s an easy snack for them,” said Lucas’ mother, Nicole Miller.

The two started campaigning online. Raising money was even one of Lucas’ birthday wishes on Sept. 30.

The Cub Scout also made $4,100 in popcorn sales in the community, which will help him go to summer camp next year. The money also earned him a night at Great Wolf Lodge for his family and $310 towards a college scholarship from Boy Scouts of America.

His mother said Lucas will be able to build on the scholarship every year with popcorn sales for his entire time as a Boy Scout.

Lucas said that handing out popcorn to first responders was an opportunity to step inside a fire station, as he wants to be a firefighter one day. He told News 8 that he enjoys saving people, including his little brother.

“It is super fun to be a firefighter. My favorite part is driving the fire truck,” said Lucas.

Nicole Miller added, “If your child comes up with an idea, run with it. They usually have good ones.”