Noah Herron: the right candidate for Westfield City Council

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Dear Editor:

For over 10 years, I have been married to Noah Herron.

Noah’s passion for helping others and love for the City of Westfield is evident in his actions since we moved to Westfield. Noah has been actively involved and engaged with city council meetings, helping the community and growing successful businesses in Westfield. He truly cares about the community and wants the best for our city.

Noah decided to run for Westfield City Council (District 5) to highlight the positive qualities of our community and the progress we still need to make. He pledged early on he’d run a positive campaign based upon the needs of Westfield. He won’t resort to the negative attacks we’ve seen too often from Washington, D.C. He respects all our neighbors and their viewpoints too much to resort to smear politics. My husband will bring honesty, integrity and vision to the city council if elected.

Photo provided

When Noah entered the race for Westfield City Council, I pledged my full support because I know he is the best candidate to lead Westfield and tackle the challenges facing our community. In particular, Noah has been a business leader in the community for several years. Starting Urban Farmer and Urban Vines Winery here in Westfield. Leading over 60 employees and tackling issues on a daily basis is Noah’s strong suit. Noah is prepared to be an effective leader and problem solver for the city.

At home Noah is an excellent father to our two lovely children. He regularly attends All Pro Dad with our children at Oak Trace Elementary and has been a coach for all their sports. Noah also volunteers his time as an HOA president, Student Impact, and multiple citizen groups.

Without a doubt Noah is the most qualified candidate to lead the city of Westfield. He needs your support and hope we can count on your vote May 2.

Emily Herron