I recently came across a video of a motivational speaker and principal named Gerry Brooks who was on a business trip and ended up getting stuck overnight in the city he was traveling to due to an airline issue. Rather than getting home to his family, he had to stay overnight unexpectedly.
Most people would be in a bad mood at the inconvenience and disappointment, but not Gerry. Gerry said that rather than be upset and think “I must stay overnight,” he will look at it as “I GET to stay overnight because I am lucky enough to have a job. Instead of having to go to work, I GET to go to work and provide for my family.”
He went on to talk about how your mindset affects everything and to adjust your view of your life.
It got me thinking about my own life. Instead of thinking I must go to the grocery store, I GET to go there because we are blessed enough not to be hungry. Instead of having to get up early to tutor, I GET to wake up and go to a job that I love and provide extra money for my family. Rather than thinking I must clean my house, I GET to clean a safe home that is our family’s nucleus. I don’t have to cook dinner for my family, I GET to provide food for the people I love the most that will nourish their bodies. I don’t have to pay bills, I GET to pay bills that allow my family and me luxuries and comforts like water, electricity, and heat.
We don’t have to vote for our next President, we GET to vote for a president because we live in the greatest country in the world and live in a democracy.
It’s easy to get bogged down with daily life and feel burnt out. You can watch the news for a little bit and start to feel tired and discouraged from the nasty barrage and disheartening stories. This election cycle has once again worn everyone, including me, out.
Adjusting your outlook to embrace gratitude and choosing to list your blessings does change your mindset. Don’t you feel happier when you choose to be grateful?
How many times do you drive down the road and you think you must get gas? Then, you’re even more annoyed when you get to the pump and see the price. Next time, try to think that you GET to stop for gas because you’re fortunate enough to have a car that takes you to the places you need to go.
How about the dishwasher? I don’t think many of us are excited when we see it’s time to unload the dishwasher, but when you think about the fact that it’s filled with dishes that contained food and provided a chance for your family to sit down and share a meal together, that is a blessing. How about not washing all your dishes by hand?
Are you like me and you can’t help but notice the dog hair on the floor and couch? Next time you’re running that vacuum, remember how much love those pets provide us, and we are so blessed to have them in our lives. Yes, this also includes the litter box and dog poop in the yard.

My dog, Elsa, decided to tear up my goose feather pillow. She is still a blessing even though I was furious. (Photo provided by Megan Rathz)
We are even blessed when they decide to tear up our goose feather filled purple pillow and leave a mess all over your kitchen when you are trying to get out the door for work.
Blessings are all over the place. If you don’t believe me, just check your gas light or look at that sink full of dirty dishes. Every time you wake up it is a blessing that someone else might not have.
Change your mindset, change your attitude, and state your blessings. What are you grateful for?
Megan Rathz is a wife, mother, and teacher. She says everything she has ever learned in life came from her Master Gardener mother.
Love this perspective! Such great reminders to change my mindset next time I get frustrated!