Mary Sue Rowland: Rocky is the real deal for Noblesville

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Dear Editor:

It is refreshing for a candidate running for office to tell the truth and nothing but the truth!

I usually get those oversized postcards with maybe three lines of information about a campaign and a nice picture. Not enough information to make a good decision. However, one and only one has told his life story and his commitment to family, community, others, and his faith.

I do not live in Noblesville District 5, but if you do, take a few minutes and read the life story of candidate Rocky Shanehsaz and what he brings to the important work of the Noblesville Common Council representing District 5. His story is true, compelling, and reflects the character of the candidate.

More candidates need to share a bit more information about themselves and what they have done lately for Noblesville, others, their family, and their faith. Also, what they are going to do for you, the citizens of Noblesville.

Asking for a vote is very important . Asking for a vote with little information to back it up is just not the way it should work.

Find Rocky’s story in the Reporter, notice the difference between candidates, and rush out and vote at your polling place or in the Judicial Center in Downtown Noblesville. Voting is your right and is important to the future of the place you call home.

Trust me, I know just how important it is. Thanks.

Mary Sue Rowland
Former Mayor of Noblesville

2 Comments on "Mary Sue Rowland: Rocky is the real deal for Noblesville"

  1. Rocky Shanehsaz | April 28, 2023 at 9:35 am |

    Thank you, Mary Sue! I sincerely appreciate the kind words along with your outward support. You’re right, voting IS important!

  2. Rocky Shanehsaz | April 29, 2023 at 10:41 am |

    Thanks, Byron!

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