Jim Brainard endorses Chambers for governor

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Dear Editor:

As the former mayor of Carmel, I have had the privilege of working closely with Brad Chambers for many years. His values and business acumen have earned my trust, and I am confident in his ability to lead our state to a prosperous future.

Indiana is currently at a critical juncture, having faced the challenges of a pandemic and a lingering recession. It is essential that we elect a leader who is focused on driving the state towards recovery and fostering growth in high-paying job sectors, particularly for our young graduates.

After carefully considering all the candidates running for governor, I firmly believe that Brad Chambers is the most qualified to address the pressing issues and steer Indiana towards a path of prosperity and security.

Brad has demonstrated his fearlessness in making ambitious, long-term decisions that prioritize Indiana’s future over short-term gains. He recognizes the importance of growing the economy and building strong communities as the foundation for a thriving state.

While not every community may resemble Carmel, Brad envisions every community thriving like Carmel. A prosperous community translates to safer streets, better educational opportunities, increased economic prospects, and an overall improved quality of life for its residents.

Moreover, Brad advocates that when Hoosiers have ample opportunities for a good livelihood and a high quality of life, it enables a smaller government and lower taxes, benefiting all residents.

I am confident that Brad understands what it takes to elevate Indiana to new heights, and I wholeheartedly believe that he is the right choice for our next governor. With his leadership, I have no doubt that Indiana will progress towards a brighter future.

As early voting is currently underway, I urge you to join me in supporting Brad Chambers by casting your vote on or before May 7. Together, we can ensure that communities across the state thrive under his governance.

Thank you for considering my perspective, and I hope to have your support for Brad Chambers in the upcoming election.

Jim Brainard