It’s time to give taxpayers a break


The County Line

Budget-making for 2022 is coming soon in every Hamilton County city, town, township and school system as well as county government. Elected officials who adopt these budgets later this year have an opportunity to slightly reduce property tax rates enough to offset the significant increases in property assessments experienced this year by many local homeowners.

Even with reasonable rate reductions, local governments can still see increases in revenue sufficient to adequately cover growing costs of public services. This is because of record increases in assessed valuations estimated to be at least 10 percent countywide.

For the average property taxpayer, this can be an advantage of living in the wealthiest county in the state, but only if officials choose to hold spending plans (budgets) to modest increases.

But, administrations in the county’s fastest growing communities will reap a windfall in tax revenue if they maintain current property tax rates. That would be convenient for providing more amenities which some politicians love to offer, but not very thoughtful of our taxpayers.

This is all pretty simple, but without the public speaking out we can assume at least some officials will not resist the temptation to make the most of the situation.

1 Comment on "It’s time to give taxpayers a break"

  1. Ron Blaisdell | June 26, 2021 at 11:46 am |

    Very valid points Fred.

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