It’s not only good for your pet, it’s also good for you!

Reporter photo

Humor Columnist Scott Saalman graces the pages of The Reporter every week. A collection of his musings has recently been compiled into his latest book, Quietly Making Noise, and the social media response has been … interesting.

A number of people have bought his book and posted photos of the book with their pets. Sometimes it looks like the pet is reading the book. Sometimes people are apparently reading the book to the pet. Sometimes it might be both.

In all cases, these were dog photos – not that there’s anything wrong with that. However, it seemed a little exclusive and speciesist to our publisher, so he took the photo you see on this page of one of his cats, a tiger-striped calico named Nine, staring at Saalman’s name.

The original caption for this photo was “If you can’t curl up with a good book, at least curl up with this one!” Having read several chapters, our publisher now thinks Nine has purrfect taste in literature.

If you’d like Saalman’s social media feed to be more species-inclusive, buy a copy of his delightful tome on Amazon, then send your photos of your literate pets to

Go on. Do it right meow. You’ll be glad you did. It’s like catnip for the human spirit.