“I’m thrilled”: Heights wrestling coach says community is excited to see what girls do

The Hamilton Heights girls wrestling team was the runner-up in the team competition at the first girls wrestling state competition in 2017. The Huskies’ Markaela Pugh (far right) won state at 106 pounds, becoming Indiana’s first-ever girls wrestling state champion. Also pictured (left to right) are Addyson Baber, Alexis Harbor and Ellie Hunter. (Photo provided)


The coach that started girls wrestling in Indiana high school sports put it simply Monday night: “I’m thrilled.”

Gary Myers, coach of both the Hamilton Heights boys and girls wrestling teams, spoke to the Reporter hours after the IHSAA announced that girls wrestling would receive full recognition beginning with the 2024-25 school year. Myers has coached multiple state champions in girls wrestling since the Indiana High School Wrestling Coaches Association began its state tournament in 2017.

“We’re thrilled as a community,” said Myers. “We’ve got some good wrestlers around.”

Myers said there are 36,000 women wrestling across the country now. That number has been increasing in Indiana and Myers believes with the IHSAA fully recognizing the sport, the upward trend will continue.

“It’ll blow up,” said Myers. “With them backing it now, there’s no end to it.”

Myers coached Indiana’s first girls wrestling state champion: Markaela Pugh won the 106-pound title for Heights back in 2017.