If you like piña coladas . . .

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I was tired of my beverage, it went flat before long. Like a 12-week-old soda, that would never be gone. So I said to the barkeep, “Let’s make something great. But it cannot be frozen, Because ice is a waste.” We made a Reporter Colada, with no ice and no lime. With a coconut garnish, and it went down just fine. If you want something smooth and tasty, not listed on the menu. This is the drink that you’ve looked for, order one; order two.

Editor’s note: Our publisher may like musicals a bit too much and thus the above can be sung to the tune of “Escape: The Piña Colada Song” by Rupert Holmes. Nonetheless, At Bien Mexicana, 150 S. Peru St., Cicero, you can in fact order a Reporter Colada (pictured above) even though it does not appear on the menu.