Husky 4-H’ers set high bar for community engagement

Presenting this year’s officers of the Husky 4-H’ers Club! (Photo provided)

Husky 4-H’ers Club Reporter

On Wednesday, Feb. 14 at 6:30 p.m., the Husky 4-H’ers had their second club meeting of the year at Cicero Christian Church, which is the club’s new meeting location this year.

Lauren Heppel was elected Club President. (Photo provided)

The meeting began with the officer installation after voting for officers during the last meeting. Lauren Happel is the new president.

The Husky 4-H’ers practice the pledge each meeting and are challenged to memorize and recite the 4-H pledge to one of the Jr. Leaders.

Each month, the club has a community service project. This month’s project was donations for the Humane Society for Hamilton County. Many generous donations were given, such as cat food, cat litter, paper towels, hot dogs, and more.

Every meeting, the club hosts a guest speaker. The speaker was Mr. Brandon Adomatis, the director of shooting sports at 4-H. Mr. Adomatis talked about the safety of a gun and bow, muscle memory, muzzle loading, archery, and more.

Isaac Leonard and his sister demonstrated how to swing dance. (Photo provided)

The meeting also has fun aspects like a game, song, and trivia. The trivia question by Addy Martin was: “How many cocoa beans does it take to make one pound of chocolate?” The answer was correctly chosen by the winner, Levi Small.

Each meeting, a club member gives a demonstration. The first demonstration this year was performed wonderfully by Isaac Leonard and Isaac’s younger sister. They demonstrated how to swing dance and explained how to do basic steps along with performing some advanced tricks and flips!

The meeting ended with a pizza party along with chips, cookies, and soda served by the Jr. Leaders!

A big thank you to the Jr. Leaders and officers for the hard work and dedication to the Husky 4-H’ers second meeting of 2024!



Photo provided