Good news from the Stony Creek Church of Christ

Dreams, visions, new revelations or the Bible alone?

I think everyone would agree that there is a great deal of confusion and disagreement in the religious world today. Such is certainly sad, confusing and unnecessary. Some of the confusion and disagreement comes from what is presented as new revelation from God who is personally communicating with them in dreams, visions, and such.

So, what should we do? How do we resolve the division and disagreement?

If we would all agree to live by the Bible and Bible alone, agreement in doctrine and practice would be possible. Suppose, God forbid, people stopped playing football for an extended number of years and a new generation arose that knew nothing of the game or its rules. If someone discovered an ancient dusty football rule book, would it be possible to recreate the game in the new generation? If everyone followed the newly discovered rule book not only could the game be revived but all could play by the same original rules. I submit the same thing is possible in the religious realm.

The Bible is a unique book specially designed by God for the purpose of communicating His will (1 Corinthians 2:7-13). By inspiring human writers of the Bible to ensure they wrote exactly what He wanted, God has given His will to man that is perfect and complete in content.

Peter affirmed that prophecy did not come from the mind of man, but Almighty God (2 Peter 1:20-21). Likewise, Paul wrote to Timothy reminding him of the inspiration of Scripture and its use (2 Timothy 3:14-17). The word “inspired” that Paul used literally meant “God breathed.”  These God-breathed words can lead us to a God-pleasing life.

Going one step further, Peter affirms that God had given man everything he needed to know about life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). Inspired Jude wrote in complete agreement with Peter and Paul that the faith had once for all time been delivered to man (Jude 1:3).

Why is determining what God will or will not accept an important endeavor?  The writer of Hebrews tells us that Jesus became the author of salvation to all who obey Him (Hebrews 5:9). How can a person know how to obey Jesus if they do not have a revelation of His will that is consistent for all people of all time and understandable? Jesus Himself told His followers that if they loved Him, they would keep His commandments (John 14:15). Again, how could we express our love for Jesus in obedience if we did not know or understand His will?

Out of love and an expression of His grace, God gave us a complete and perfect revelation of His will. In addition, He gave us minds capable of understanding that revealed will.  It would do little good if man could not understand this revelation or if it could be interrupted any way each individual wanted.

There is no need for additional revelation. When we think God is directing us by some dream, vision or direct speech are we sure it is God speaking? In 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, Paul describes how Satan and his angels disguise themselves as angels of light. Just as Satan deceived Eve in the garden, he delights in deceiving us as well. Satan attempted to deceive Jesus in the wilderness but was rebuffed by Jesus referring to Scripture. I submit we can do the same thing today ourselves.

This is why we call for and practice first century Christianity in the 21st century.

Would you like more information or a personal study of this issue? I would love to accommodate your request. Do you have questions or disagreements? We will be happy to study God’s Word with you and help you find the “peace that passes understanding” (Philippians 4:7).