Ginger Davis receives award from state water resources association

(From left) Ginger Davis, Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District and current IWRA President; David Lampe, United States Geological Survey and IWRA President-elect 2020; and Mark Basch, Indiana DNR and awards committee member. (Photo provided)

Ginger Davis, a Conservation Administrator with the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District, recently received the Wilber-Zogorski Leadership Award from Indiana Water Resources Association (IWRA) at the 40th annual Spring Symposium. This year’s symposium was focused on Water and Health: Exploring Healthy Water for Human, Animal and Environment.

This award is presented to presidents of IWRA who provide exemplary service and leadership to the organization.

IWRA was founded in 1979 as a state affiliate of the American Water Resources Association to promote water resources research, education and communication in Indiana. IWRA is an organization of several hundred professionals and students working in all aspects of water resources. Its members include scientists, engineers, regulators, educators, policymakers and students from government agencies, universities, industry, consulting firms and other water-related groups.

From the symposium, many new and existing partnerships were strengthened and additional resources are being brought to Hamilton County.

This is not something a typical Soil and Water Conservation District staff member would be part of, but as a premiere county, Hamilton County has quality personnel that affords these sorts of opportunities.