Fishers reader upset at legislators for moving to reduce tobacco taxes

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Dear Editor:

I am quite upset to learn that Indiana lawmakers are considering cutting taxes on tobacco products this session. Provisions inserted in a bill that recently passed the State Senate would cut taxes on products like e-cigarettes, cigars, and some forms of smokeless tobacco. Why? What is the incentive to reward tobacco companies for harming their customers, many using e-cigarettes who are as young as 11 or 12 years old whose minds and bodies are still forming and growing?

In a state that experiences more than 11,000 tobacco-related deaths each year, this is truly a head-scratching decision. Not to mention the hospitalizations and struggles with addiction that affect the consumers for years. Health advocates have been pushing lawmakers to raise tobacco taxes for many years and, instead, our elected officials are contemplating making these deadly products even cheaper. What is the reasoning?

Cheaper tobacco products will result in more tobacco-addicted kids, higher health care costs for all of us, and, ultimately, more preventable deaths. If companies like these want to exist, there needs to be a consequence. Higher taxes send that message.

Passing a tax cut for tobacco companies would be a big mistake that keeps Indiana among the unhealthiest states in the country. When will we and our country stand for HEALTH and not profit?? Especially in light of COVID, which is wreaking havoc on people with lung diseases.

I am asking Representative Chris Jeter to oppose this change and do what is right for our state.

Julie Meyers Burgess
