Empowering our community: the HSE referendum discussion

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Dear Editor:

In our ever-evolving society, informed decisions are crucial to our democracy. As a community, we bear the responsibility of staying informed about issues affecting our lives, families, and future, such as the Hamilton Southeastern (HSE) referendum.

An event co-hosted by Fishers One and Advance HSE was held on Oct. 9. Our community united for an event centering around education and transparency. Interim Superintendent Matt Kegley and CFO Katy Dowling provided an informative presentation on the HSE referendum, followed by an interactive Q&A session. This event wasn’t just about information; it was a platform for open dialogue.

Educating our community about the HSE referendum is paramount. Our educators shape our children’s future, and supporting initiatives like this referendum can enhance resources and opportunities for both teachers and students.

Transparency is crucial. We must demand transparency from our school district regarding fund management and resource allocation.

Our long-term goal should be a sustainable educational system, reducing reliance on referendums. Achieving this requires informed decision-making and community participation.

Questions raised at the event demonstrated our community’s commitment to education. It’s through these discussions that we move forward together.

This event embodies Fishers One’s mission: educating the community and promoting the well-being of our schools, teachers, and students. It’s our collective responsibility to continue this dialogue, seek answers, and advocate for a brighter educational future.

In conclusion, an informed community is an empowered one. By staying engaged, asking questions, and demanding transparency, we can shape our schools’ future and ensure a brighter tomorrow for our children.

Visit the Advance HSE PAC’s website for more on the Nov. 7 referendum vote. Remember, the HSE referendum isn’t just about today; it’s about the legacy we leave for generations to come.

Diane Eaton