Eagles over Monroe returns to Fairfax recreation area

Eagles over Monroe will celebrate Indiana’s relationship with our national bird through educational programs and birdwatching opportunities at Fairfax State Recreation Area, Jan. 26 through 28.

Monroe Lake is hosting the event in conjunction with the Fourwinds Lakeside Inn and Visit Bloomington. Advance registration, full program details and lodging and dining information are available at visitbloomington.com/eaglesovermonroe.

While eagles are the event headliners, programs will explore the lives of other bird species, too.

Eagles over Monroe kicks off the evening of Friday, Jan. 26 with presentations about saw whet owl research and the biodiversity of Monroe Lake.

Saturday, Jan. 27, offers opportunities to learn about the eagle restoration program, how to bird by impression, the evolution of dinosaurs into birds and the whooping crane recovery story.

During lunch, participants can see live raptors from the Dwight Chamberlain Raptor Center and make avian-themed crafts. A formal presentation later in the day will feature live raptors from the Indiana Raptor Center.

A self-guided driving tour around the lake on Saturday afternoon offers attendees a chance to see eagles and other birds in the wild. Stops will be manned by local birders and their spotting scopes.

James Kawlewski, outreach program assistant for the International Crane Foundation, will present Saturday evening’s keynote address, “Raptors and Cranes, An Interconnected Wonder.”

Saturday evening concludes with avian-themed bingo. The event wraps up on the morning of Sunday, Jan. 27 with photography and birding hikes.

Advance registration is $15 for adults (ages 16 and older) and $10 for kids (ages 6 to 15) and includes all of the scheduled event programs and activities.

Walk-up registration will also be available at the Fourwinds Lakeside Inn from 4 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 26, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 27. Walk-up costs are $20 for adults and $15 for kids.

The Fourwinds Lakeside Inn is offering a special rate of $79 per night for a lakeside room to event attendees. Dining specials will also be available throughout the weekend.

Fairfax State Recreation Area (stateparks.IN.gov/2954.htm) is located at 9301 S. Fairfax Road, Bloomington.