Dr. Forgey: an obvious choice for Noblesville school board

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Dear Editor:

My wife, Jean, and I have known Dr. Joe Forgey for over 40 years. We have known him to be a man of unquestionable character who is extremely interested in serving the community of Noblesville (in different capacities) which he has done for all the years we have known him.

We are very disappointed to hear that his two female opponents for Noblesville school board (Misti Ray and Melba Kiser) have suggested that he is not qualified or lacks the motivation to serve. We can assure voters that this information has no validity whatsoever.

Joe currently serves on the board in the same manner as his late wife Cynthia did when she was alive. Both served with great distinction in representing ALL segments of our population. They had no special agenda and were concerned about ALL students and not just special interest groups.

It would be a major mistake NOT to re-elect Joe Forgey.

Ron & Jean Fleming
Retired Noblesville Schools teachers

1 Comment on "Dr. Forgey: an obvious choice for Noblesville school board"

  1. Alison Hanley | October 28, 2022 at 11:40 am |

    Dear Ron and Jean,

    We don’t at all believe Joe Forgey lacks the motivation to serve. We just don’t believe his motivation and service are taking our schools in the right direction. If you read the Letters to the Editor written by community members who don’t support him, we have valid concerns about policies he has supported that enabled political and social justice agendas to come into our schools that have no business being there. Our kids and grandkids have been impacted by these agendas in their classrooms. We have attended multiple school board meetings and communicated our concerns to Joe Forgey and other members of the School Board in person and through email with no action taken on his part. At the School Board Forum on 10/24 he finally admitted CRT was found in Noblesville Schools (when he has denied it every other time) and took credit for having it removed. I was at many of the board meetings and he never once acknowledged any of this at the meetings or in private communication with any of us.

    For these reasons we believe we need new leadership on the School Board.

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