Dealing with Brillo pad people


From the Hart

“Do not allow the coarseness of others to scratch away the kindness you have in your heart.” – From the Hart, 2022

Have you ever had certain people in your life who just seem to go out of their way to irritate you? Do you find that they provoke you to impatience and put you in a bad mood? Do they get under your skin like a splinter and just annoy the goodness right out of your heart?

Well, I have a few of them. And no, they do not read my column. Well, maybe a few do.

I can’t imagine the energy that some people put into their day to complicate the lives of others.

It’s true what they say, misery loves company.

Here are my thoughts …

They can invite me into their misery, but I don’t have to accept the invitation.

I can smile and walk away from their cutting remarks and bitter actions and be the better person. (Also, the smarter one.)

If I sling dirt with a pig, we will both get dirty but only one of us will enjoy it.

If I stir manure, the stink will follow me.

Some of the happiest people I know have survived the attack of the harshest criticism. They have learned that the words may hurt but they don’t have to carry and show the scars caused by them.

Sadly, some people carry so much bitterness that they feel the need to heap it upon others. Verbal vomit is both nasty and evil.

Just because someone has the ability or power to make others feel “less than” does not mean that they should do it. Shame on those who do.

Character is shown in the simple words of appreciation. Lack of character is shown in the simple words of demeaning and criticism.

Actions speak volumes. Words show true colors.

Sometimes the greatest peace is found by just walking away from someone who creates havoc and discord in my day. Being nice to them is my greatest weapon.

Inner peace does not mean my circumstances are easy. It means I choose to not live under my circumstances but above them.

If someone constantly rains on my parade, I carry an umbrella of kindness. It doesn’t always help them, but it does help me.

At the end of the day, I am thankful that I do not live in their circumstances. It can’t be a happy place.

Inner peace and contentment are found, not in the best of circumstances, but in not allowing the circumstances of others to invade my life.

Enjoy your day my friends and carry a pretty umbrella. You may need it to protect yourself from the Brillo Pad People or clobber them with it. After all, isn’t it said to “kill” them with kindness? 

Janet Hart Leonard can be contacted at or followed on Facebook (@janet.hartbaker) or Instagram (@janethartleonard). Visit