During their recent tour of several Hamilton County public service departments, Hamilton County Council Member Sue Maki and newly elected Council Member Tim Griffin met with county parks leadership. Parks Director Chris Stice and Deputy Director Bruce Oldham welcomed the elected officials at the parks administrative office and familiarized them with departmental operations. Details regarding future parks projects and developments were also shared during the visit. To learn more, visit MyHamiltonCountyParks.com, call (317) 770-4400 or follow Hamilton County Parks at Facebook.com/MyHCPR.

Council Member Maki studies a 3D architect’s model of the park department’s proposed Coxhall Gardens conservatory, while County Council Member-elect Tim Griffin and parks staff look on. (Photo provided by Hamilton County Parks & Recreation)

A lighter moment being shared between county council members and parks staff during their recent visit to the Hamilton County Parks administrative office. (Photo provided by Hamilton County Parks & Recreation)