Do you know the connection between smoking and diabetes?

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Dear Editor:

November is both Lung Cancer Awareness Month and Diabetes Awareness Month. We all know the correlation between smoking and lung cancer, but do you know the connection between smoking and diabetes?

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in Indiana, and the Surgeon General Report on Smoking found that cigarette smoking is a cause of type 2 diabetes, also known as adult-onset diabetes. Smoking increases the risk for diabetes by up to 40 percent and the risk increases the more cigarettes a person smokes.

Smoking is also detrimental to people who are already diabetic. A person with diabetes who smokes is more likely to have trouble regulating insulin and controlling the disease than nonsmokers with diabetes. Smokers who have diabetes are also more likely to have serious health problems, including heart and kidney disease, poor blood flow, eye disease, and nerve damage.

The health benefits of quitting smoking can begin right away in diabetics. In just eight weeks after quitting, studies have shown that insulin can start to become more effective at lowering blood sugar levels. During November, American Diabetes Month supports the millions of Americans impacted by this disease. It can also raise awareness for the risk factors, such as smoking, that can lead to diabetes. Those who want to quit smoking can call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit

Heart and Soul is honored to be a trusted provider in Hamilton County. Our mission is to provide highest quality healthcare to our uninsured and underinsured neighbors in central Indiana regardless of their social, cultural, and economic status.

Lisa Zouvelos Kreag, MSW, LCSW
Executive Director, Heart and Soul Free Clinic