County employees to receive antibody testing

Hamilton County employees participating in the County Health Insurance program will soon be provided IgG antibody testing for COVID-19. Riverview Health will provide the testing as part of the county’s annual wellness screenings the first week of June.


“These screenings are an essential aspect of creating a successful wellness culture,” said Human Resource Director Sheena Randall. “In fact, Hamilton County believes this is so important, we provide free employee screenings each year. The idea is to prevent serious health conditions. Annual wellness screenings provide employees a snapshot of their current health and a roadmap to a better health.”

The added serology test looks for the presence of antibodies, which are specific proteins made in response to infections. Antibodies can be found in the blood and in other tissues of those who are tested after infection.

“IgG is the body’s memory of how to fight an infection,” says Hilary Herendeen, Rivervew Health employer clinics manager. “However, COVID-19 is ‘novel,’ or new, which means we’re still learning about it. We recommend patients consult their healthcare provider with any questions about their results.”

In addition to the antibody testing, county employees will also be screened for anemia, leukemia, electrolytes, liver function, cholesterol, triglycerides, hemoglobin, thyroid, prostate, and blood glucose. Employees who take part in the annual health screening will receive a $15 discount per pay period on their biweekly insurance premiums beginning Jan. 1, 2021.