Cicero officer credited with saving child’s life

On Jan. 27, Cicero Police Department Captain Grishaw answered a call from dispatch of a report of someone hearing a cry for help around the lake area in Hidden Bay.

(From left) Cicero Town Board President Dan Strong, Captain Grinshaw and Cicero Town Board member Chad Amos. (Photo provided)

Grishaw responded to the call and searched the area diligently. After a few minutes, he heard a weak cry for help and began heading toward the sound of the cry. He then found a little boy who had fallen into the icy water of Morse Reservoir. The boy was holding on to the bottom of a dock and told Grishaw that he couldn’t hold on much longer.

Grishaw radioed dispatch and requested medical assistance, then proceeded to pull the boy from the water. According to the Cicero Police Department, the boy had been five-feet deep in 36-degree water for more than 15 minutes.

Captain Grishaw was awarded the Department’s Live Saving Pin for going above and beyond the call of duty during the rescue.