
“Except . . .”

Grandpa Howard related this story of picking corn by hand. Before mechanical corn pickers were in use, corn was shucked by hand. Seventy-five or 80 bushels was considered a fair…

I never saw myself as a boy mom

I never saw myself as a boy mom. I always imagined having a little girl. I would picture myself picking out dresses for her, braiding her hair, and enjoying all-things-princess…

Finding joy for $6

“Who knew a $6 purchase could make you so happy?” My husband smiled as he looked at me over his reading glasses and said those words. I had spent the…

Dad set the bar of success too high

In 2019, I toured the mammoth Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana (TMMI) plant in Princeton, Ind. How big is TMMI? The tour involves boarding a tram. Need I say more? At…

Hospital billing questions

By KEN KLINGENMEIER Guest Columnist As I age (I will be 75 in October), I must deal more and more with doctors, clinics, hospitals and the like. I am lucky…

Let’s lighten our mental load

If you’re an empty nester like me, chances are you carry something called a mental load. Some call it mental labor. This is not to be confused with emotional labor….