
My dragonfly baby

I remember the day vividly in July of 2020 when I took a pregnancy test. I had a feeling that I might be expecting and decided that maybe I should…

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We can do something about farmland loss

By CINDY SALO Guest Columnist Dozens of people gathered at the Sheridan Historical Society Museum on Saturday morning, July 29, to learn about farmland preservation. I organized the event to…

Rejected … but I’m okay

Thank you so much for entering … I knew where this was going; they were not the words I wanted to read. I wanted a “Congratulations!” not a “Thank you.”…

Plant a tree, but not for me

Grandpa Howard was always entertaining me with the stories of his own grandfathers. He recounted how his own grandfather Howard passed away on May 8, 1891, the day after Grandpa…

How to avoid elder scams

In my last column, we reviewed the alarming statistics around seniors being scammed, the financial devastation it causes and tried to answer two questions: Why don’t more people report the…