
The kindness of a stranger

Have you ever been in a situation where you were unable to move or speak because you were so terrified? It is a horrific feeling, and one that can bring…

Also true

Here’s another story my mom told me. The mother was one of the most kind and gentle people I have ever met. The daughter was beautiful, a 4-H winner. When…

COVID cuts

March 2020. Just four short years ago. A time we’d all like to forget. It was the month that kicked off all the madness. Just not the type of March…

Carrying the what-ifs

Do you ever go running into the future while carrying the “what-ifs?” I am a runner. Before my friends start chanting, “Liar, liar, pants on fire,” let me explain. When…

Don’t give up on self-care

“If a big wind comes a tree must bend or be lifted up by its roots.” – Jeff Chandler as Cochise in the 1950 movie Broken Arrow I often enjoy…

To dream the impossible dream

By CARRIE NEAL A Seat on the Aisle There’s something irresistible about a quest. As theatergoers, we love to see characters go on emotional journeys, so when there’s an actual…