
Like father, unlike son

The final sawn limb popped from the poplar tree, untangled from the utility line and crashed down. Middle-aged, I applauded from a safe distance, like a giddy child. My old…

Spreading joy to your customers

“Customer satisfaction is worthless. Customer loyalty is priceless.” – Jeffrey Gitomer, author & speaker Hopefully by now you’re on the path to being a more joyful person/employee and you’re gaining…

The big hill

A few years ago, my husband, my youngest son, and I went on a weekend getaway for his fall break. I told them I wanted to try a short trail…

Just an old door

Mother told me this story. On a cold December day in 1899 the young man shoved the old door open. Then lifting his bride as though she were light as…

Oh, what a WONDERful world

If you’re a history buff, like me, you have probably seen documentaries about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. You can easily check YouTube, the History Channel, or a…


I’m beginning to think my technology issues have replaced my traveling issues. Remember the broken phone story I wrote two weeks ago? And now, the rest of the story. I…

Of jackpots & jackasses

I find an old coffee cup in mom’s cabinet to pour coffee in, but then notice folded strips of paper inside. The pieces of paper have yellowed with time, torn…