
Time, slow down

Anyone who is a parent knows the concept of longing for time to slow down. The old saying is so true that the days are long, and the years are…

Respecting those in need

Over the two-plus decades of doing food charity work, we have had the opportunity to meet many neighbors in need. Generally, as a rule, when we meet someone at a…

The invisible cape

I see her wearing the cape. It’s not a cape she pulls out of her closet. It is invisible. She wears it every day, 24/7. Only those who have worn…

Heeling (healing) well?

If you’re an empty nester, chances are you’re of a certain age … middle age. This stage of life requires you to be more thoughtful about your physical activity. I…

Adapt to find your passion

I was first introduced to exercise when I was young through the form of swimming. It was a form of exercise that doctors told my parents would be safe and…

Last one in

Here’s another story from my mother, Dorothy Howard Adler. Mom told this story. A few nights ago Dad worked late. I was tired and was so sound asleep, I didn’t…