Teenagers still need you
Sandwiched The sandwich generation can be an ironic place sometimes. One the one hand, your elderly parent who raised you and seemed to know anything and everything suddenly needs YOU…
Read MoreSandwiched The sandwich generation can be an ironic place sometimes. One the one hand, your elderly parent who raised you and seemed to know anything and everything suddenly needs YOU…
Read MoreThe County Line The slating of candidates in a primary election is a subject that fails to catch the attention of many in the general public, but it is so…
Dear Editor: I have five core principles to my City Council campaign: Keeping Carmel’s taxes low Carmel has the 11th lowest property taxes in the State of Indiana. It’s something…
From the Heart “Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” – Dalai Lama Have you ever had certain people in your life that just seem to…
By BROOKE HOFFMAN & RACHEL HASELHORST Registered Dietitians My partner and I are registered dietitians. We decided to create an accountability program. We were telling people all of the information…
Sandwiched Of all the columns I’ve written in this newspaper and others, I think this one will be one of my husband’s favorites. Because I will be admitting that he…
The County Line I can’t help but notice that the Indianapolis news media is desperately trying to increase viewership and readership by trying to run more stories about Hamilton County….
By KELLY FERRIELL Youth Advocate with Prevail According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 1.5 million teens experience physical violence at the hands of a dating partner…
Be Well “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” – J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets When I…
From the Heart This little girl has a story. She has a story because in 1955 her birth mother gave her life. Her adoptive mother (her real mother) gave her…