
Look for the helpers

From the Heart My mind is still trying to process the events that took place Friday, in my town, where I have lived all of my life. Our community was…

Reader: How long?

Dear Editor: How LONG will it take to have one door in, one door out and metal and gun detectors like we have at the airports at every school in…

Easy peasy summer grilling

From the Heart Summer has arrived. Yes, we seem to have skipped spring this year. Those who visit our home know that my happy place is in the kitchen, except…

The Mormon mission in Hamilton County

The County Line We’ve probably all seen them: The young Mormon missionaries. They come in pairs, young men wearing white shirts and ties, walking or riding bicycles through the local…

A few thoughts from Audrey

From the Heart She put the thoughts into my head and the words into my mouth. Her name is Audrey. She is my mother. Funny how I have found myself…

Reader requests correction

Dear Editor: There is a limited number of news sources for Hamilton County. Therefore, you have a responsibility to report facts accurately or label articles such as these as Opinion,…