
Turning down the heat

Sandwiched As I mentioned weeks ago, the average caregiver is a 49-year-old woman who works and takes care of at least one elderly parent. That’s me precisely. Since there are…

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And it came to pass …

From the Heart Someday, it will all be better. But … I will have found a different normal. I’m usually up by 7:30. I soon find myself at our kitchen…

County hides behind HIPAA

Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see flaws in this logic Publisher’s Perspective On Monday, Hamilton County officials issued a statement saying city-by-city COVID-19 data would not be released to…

The up of the downside

From the Heart Hello friends! This week I have turned over my keyboard to my daughter, Emily. She and her husband, Drew, and their nine-year-old son, Aiden, and seven-year-old daughter,…