
Debunking the spending myth in Carmel

By JEFF WORRELL Carmel Cents When the words “spending” and “Carmel” are used in the same sentence, it is often in the context of someone trying to criticize the city…

The best of Winston Churchill

By RAY ADLER Ask Adler Winston Churchill said, “We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out.” He had numerous other sayings: If you’re…

The case for more parental involvement

By SHELDON BARNES Guest Columnist One of the guiding principles of the Carmel Clay School Board is that parent involvement enhances the learning experience. They act otherwise. Since the beginning…

Getting closer to my records

By AMY SHANKLAND Perfectly Imperfect As I continued the search for my biological parents, my husband John cautioned and advised me to be ready for anything. “I just don’t want…

History of the Indiana Supreme Court

By RAY ALDER Ask Adler The Indiana Supreme Court was established by the Constitution of the State of Indiana by Convention at Corydon on June 29, 1816. The first session…