Carmel voter cites Sue Finkam’s fiscal experience in his decision to support her

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Dear Carmel neighbors:

I served as the first director of Mitch Daniels’ Office of Management and Budget (OMB). So, I am naturally focused on the fiscal health and management of our state and local governments. After considering both candidates for Carmel Mayor, I will be casting my vote for Sue Finkam.

First, Sue put her fiscal policy in writing so that every single Carmel voter is clear on her priorities. This is important because we should have clarity regarding how our mayor will spend our hard earned tax dollars. See Sue’s plan at

Second, Sue has been leading on fiscal matters throughout her entire 12 years on the Carmel City Council. She has served as both the President and the Finance Chair of the Council. As just one example of her leadership, Sue brought transparency when the Hotel Carmichael project greatly exceeded its budget. As President of the Carmel City Council, she commissioned an investigation of how the Carmel Redevelopment Commission and administration had managed the project, demanded transparency on the considerable cost overruns (exceeding the budget by 50 percent), and led the Council in adopting reforms to how city projects are budgeted, constructed and reported to Carmel taxpayers.

Most importantly to me, Sue has identified that actions by the Indiana General Assembly earlier this year will result in a loss of $60 million in revenue to the City of Carmel over the next 10 years. This will impact the city’s budget and its ability to maintain its infrastructure and deliver on its promise of extraordinary service to its residents. Sue is focused on strategies to mitigate this loss of revenue and ensure that Carmel can protect its world class quality of life for the community.

Sue has demonstrated her leadership and commitment to fiscal discipline and transparency over the last 12 years. She’s the only candidate that is focused on the looming $60 million loss of revenue for the city and its residents.

For these reasons, I’ll be enthusiastically voting for Sue Finkam for Carmel Mayor this election season!

Charles Schalliol