Carmel reader questions purpose of local Hamilton County Republican Party

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Dear Editor:

What is the purpose of the local Republican Party?

Is it the party of small government? Or is it the party of cronyism, TIF, tax abatements, and allowing Ray Adler and the Election Board to do nothing about Jim Brainard’s consistently wrong campaign finance statements?

Does it exist so my representative Jerry Torr, as well as a neighboring one, Chris Jeter, can ignore my requests to fix a problem in state law blocking me from suing Clay Township?

Is it the party of record local debt, especially in Carmel and Clay Township?

Is it the party of paying Rob DeRocker, Dan McFeely, and Michael Feinstein?

Is it the party where developers, lawyers, and construction and engineering firms with government business give lots of money to the local elected officials?

Is it the party where people like Matt Snyder can claim this and never be held to account?: “Snyder tried to position himself as a fiscal conservative and said he sees the township government as a counterweight to spending within city government.”

Is Mario Massillamany the answer?

Eric Morris


1 Comment on "Carmel reader questions purpose of local Hamilton County Republican Party"

  1. One party system
    it’s been that way for decades
    all hail the yard sign


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