Carmel, Noblesville girls each victorious at golf invitationals

The Carmel and Noblesville girls golf teams picked up invitational wins on Saturday. The Greyhounds triumphed at the Zionsville Invitational, while the Millers were first at the Lapel Invitational. (Photos provided)

The top-ranked Carmel girls golf team picked up another tournament victory Saturday, winning the Zionsville Invitational at Golf Club of Indiana.

The Greyhounds scored a 312 for first place. Ava Nguyen led the way, earning medalist honors with a 73. Claire Swathwood took second place individually with a 76, followed by Michaela Headlee with 80, Kamryn Williams with 83 and Sophie Cassidy with 88.

Carmel also had a second team at the tournament, which finished with a 415. Maya Berglund led the way with an 80, followed by Olivia Weaver 102, Harding 109 and Ava Luo 124.

Hamilton Southeastern finished fourth at the tournament with a 326. Ella Bui led the Royals with a 78, followed by Lauren Stewart 80, Cora Zink 81, Natalia Nieset 87 and Karolina Franssen 95.


Noblesville scored a blistering win at the Lapel Invitational on Saturday at Edgewood Golf Course in Anderson.

The Millers scored a team total of 288. Jordan Adam and Caroline Whallon shared medalist honors, as both players finished with a two under par 69. Josie Kelley added a 73, Karis Shields scored a 77 and Olivia Anderson added a 79.


Westfield also got a Saturday victory, winning the Western Invitational at Chippendale.

The Shamrocks totaled a team score of 311. Samantha Brown was the co-medalist with a 69, while Addi Kooi placed fourth with a 76. Kelsey Haverluck added an 82, followed by Claire Thompson with 84 and Allie McKeown with 88.

Westfield’s Green team finished fourth with a 350. Sam Lemieux led with an 85, Lilley Ku scored 86 and Sadie Edwards carded an 87.

Fishers placed fifth by scoring 351. Kristi Lilek and Sarah Majeski both scored 86s, followed by Olivia Holding 88, Kate Jansen 91 (a personal best) and Ayanna Bodake 103.



Photos provided

The Carmel and Noblesville girls golf teams picked up invitational wins on Saturday. The Greyhounds triumphed at the Zionsville Invitational, while the Millers were first at the Lapel Invitational.