Carmel Clay Parks & Rec to hold Sensory Friends Trick-or-Treat

Photo provided by Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation

Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation (CCPR) will hold its annual Sensory Friendly Trick-or-Treat from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 21 at River Heritage Park, 11813 River Road. This event is designed for individuals with disabilities and their families.

During the Sensory Friendly Trick-or-Treat Trail, there will be no loud music, scary decorations or costumes that cover the face. CCPR’s adaptive program volunteers will dress in non-frightening costumes, pass out treats and host other fun fall activities.

“Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation strives to provide programming for all members of our community,” Inclusion Program Supervisor Kelvin Solares said. “Holidays like Halloween can be very overwhelming for individuals with sensory needs. We are excited to offer Sensory-Friendly Trick-or-Treat again this year to remove barriers and provide an accessible way to celebrate.”

The trails at River Heritage Park are fully accessible to individuals with mobility aids or wheelchairs. CCPR requests all trick-or-treaters bring their own bag or basket for candy and wear friendly costumes that are non-frightening (refrain from wearing masks that cover the full face).

The cost to participate is $10 per trick-or-treater; accompanying family members are free. Pre-registration is required. Click here to sign up today.