Ashpaugh Electric in lead at Sheridan Horseshoe League, three weeks remain

Action is winding up at the Sheridan Horseshoe League, with only three weeks left in the season.

After seven weeks of play, Ashpaugh Electric is in first place with 48 games won. McKinney’s Woodworking is in second place with 37.5 games won, followed by Price Heating in third place and Traditional Concepts in fourth place.

With three weeks to go until the end of the season, Ashpaugh Electric maintains a lead with 12.5 games won. McKinney’s Woodworking has 11 games won, so things are still close, with a playoff pitch at the end of Week 14.

The league had its final tournament of the year last Saturday, with Ashpaugh Electric generously donating prize money. Eight pitchers competed in the tournament.

Mike Milcoff led after round one, with Doug McKinney a close second. After three rounds, Milcoff was tied with Tamela McKinney, but Milcoff pulled away after the fifth round to win the tournament. Mitch Dwigins placed second and Greg Emry was third.