Shaffer: Carmel’s “progressive elite” use “Weasel Wordings” to explain city’s debt

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Dear Editor:

Carmel’s progressive elite central planners have gone back to the old Deception Manual to deal with public outcry over a $1.5 billion civic debt.

They’ve reverted to Weasel Words.

That’s where the progressives solve a problem by renaming it. They renamed “war” to become “police action” in Korea and “conflict” in Vietnam. That not only solved the problem of American lives lost on foreign soil, but it also avoided the messy business of having Congress declare war, as the Constitution requires.

Carmel’s ruling junta is employing two Weasel Wordings:

Councilor Jeff Worrell urged me not to think of the $1.5 billion as debt but as an asset.

Now, he and the other co-conspirators call large swaths of the debt “developer-backed bonds,” with no risk to taxpayers. But, developers are taxpayers whose property tax payments allegedly pay off debt.

They also claim that – heaven forbid – the developer goes bankrupt, it’s just tough luck for the developer.

This ignores the glaring truth that the city still is on the hook for the bonds and the investors still want their money back at increasingly higher and higher interest rates.

Indeed, Weasel Worders ignore all but the most sophomoric argument.

But, sadly for them, primary season is about to begin in Carmel.

Bill Shaffer
