Westfield thanks Colts for new canine officer at Monday event

(From left) Westfield Police Officer Anuar Velazquez (with Billy), Mayor Andy Cook, Westfield Police Chief Joel Rush, Vice President of Custom Concrete Dennis Ells, Westfield Washington Superintendent Dr. Sherry Grate, Indianapolis Colts Vice Chair and Owner Kalen (Irsay) Jackson, and Westfield Councilman Jim Ake. (Reporter photo by Kent Graham)

On Monday, Westfield Mayor Andy Cook unveiled the Westfield Police Department’s newest canine officer. The Indianapolis Colts donated the canine, named Billy, and Westfield-based, Custom Concrete contributed the labor and materials for the kennel.

“This generosity emphasizes the importance of partnership in public safety,” said Cook. “Keeping our community safe is truly a team effort and we are beyond grateful for having partners in the Indianapolis Colts and Custom Concrete.”

“It’s our mission – as a family, a team and an organization – to entertain, unite and inspire our fans, and one way we do that is by giving back to the communities in which we live, work and serve,” said Kalen (Irsay) Jackson, Indianapolis Colts Vice Chair & Owner. “Donating this canine officer to the Westfield police and schools is one way for the Colts to say thank you to the people of Westfield for being such gracious hosts and wonderful partners.”

Billy is a two-year-old German Short Haired Pointer and comes from Hungary. He was trained in explosives detection after spending three weeks in training with his handler, Officer Anuar Velazquez, at Vohne Liche Kennels. The duo will be primarily assigned to Westfield High School in a continued effort to increase police presence in the school system.

Billy is the third canine in the Westfield Police Department. His assignment in the schools is part of the WPD’s strategic school security program.