Don’t give in to New Year’s rhetoric

Be Well

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”

– Dr. Seuss, “Oh, The Places You’ll Go!”

In which direction do you plan to go in 2019? Are you “so done” with all the infomercials and ads about losing weight? Dropping four dress/pants sizes in just a few weeks? Ringing up the shopping network to order the “total gym” so that you will be transformed? The majority of Americans spend more than any other industrialized nation in their quest to be more fit and healthy.

In working with my fitness class participants, personal training and nutrition clients, I find that initially they are either buoyed up by the rhetoric or defeated by it. Neither is particularly helpful in a quest to be the healthiest one can be. The January hype will die down a bit, and then the “get ready for swimsuit season” ads will begin. I sincerely believe that this type of encouragement can lead to yo-yo dieting and undermine our fitness goals. We are expected to indulge in holiday fare and then get to work to take it off, sometimes to the tune of spending quite a lot of money to do so.

Referring to the quote this week, let’s use our brains to acknowledge that no advertisement, spokesperson or magazine article can address our specific life situation. Overeating and a sedentary lifestyle are both behavior issues and very individual. A good personal trainer, nutrition consultant, or health care professional can work with you to get started in the direction that you want to go.

Yes, you do have feet in your shoes and you can begin any day, at any time, moving those feet to incorporate more action in your daily life. Walking … who knew? And, finally, steering yourself in the direction you choose – vitally important. A personal trainer or certified fitness consultant can work with you to determine your goals, not goals set for you by another person or a corporate entity! A realistic direction in which you can go to achieve that goal will take you there. Ultimately it is up to you to be the healthiest you possible in 2019 and beyond.

Remember that a total fitness package incorporates the “three-legged stool” utilizing aerobic activity (increasing the heartbeat) along with strength training and of course, flexibility. The seat of this three-legged stool is nutrition. Your body needs fuel on which to run. If your car’s manufacturer recommends premium gas to run most efficiently, are you going to pump regular unleaded? Probably not. Think of your healthy lifestyle as an investment, a much greater investment than any automobile!

Finally, do your homework. If a group fitness class works best for you then sign up and actually attend! Sometimes making a connection with a class partner can be encouraging. If your schedule or personal preference works best to hire a personal trainer, that might work best for you. In either case, be sure to ask about the class instructor’s or personal trainer’s qualifications; both experience and credentials. Otherwise, pick up those light weights at least three times weekly, get outside in a safe area to begin a walking routine (check with your neighbors, form a “walking club”) and incorporate stretching on a regular basis. Your activities should never leave you in pain or acute discomfort but should be challenging and invigorating. The endorphins will also encourage mental clarity and a feeling of well-being.

Next time I’ll discuss one of my favorite topics: Healthy (and yummy!) eating – so many options!

Sharon McMahon, CNWC

The opinions expressed in this article are not intended to replace advice of your personal physician or licensed health professional. Please consult your physician for any issues you may have related to nutrition or fitness activity.