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Dear Editor:
I used to live in Noblesville, but now live just outside of Pigeon Forge, Tenn., in Sevier County.
I miss having a newspaper to read. Instead, I have to use my iPad. One good thing about the iPad, though, is I was able to read your post, “Why other newspapers are failing,” because I have Noblesville marked as a “local” area of interest on Newsbreak. We used to take the Knoxville News Sentinel, but it has floundered since being taken over by USA TODAY (much like the IndyStar).
A local Sevier County paper, The Mountain Press, reduced the printed edition to three days a week from six, meaning the other days would have to be read online. The subscription price was not reduced, so I canceled. If I have to read it online, I’m not too interested as there are other sources online. Morning coffee is much better when holding a newspaper and reading current news.
When subscribed to the previous newspapers, I encountered problems reaching a human by telephone. Unlike your publisher, I just gave up.
Jim Davis
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