Westfield reader applauds Willis for standing against Duke Energy rate increase

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Dear Editor:

I thank Mayor Willis for standing against Duke’s insane rate increase affecting almost all of Hamilton County.

Citizens Action Coalition (CAC) estimates this rate increase means $42 more per month for the average family’s electric bill. It also increases electric bills for our schools, businesses, and local governments.

Adding insult to injury, Duke requests the highest profit margin in the state for its shareholders – unconscionable given the profit margin for families, schools, businesses, and governments is shrinking due to inflation. Instead of investing in more affordable, cleaner wind and solar renewable energy, Duke pours more money from our community into their dirty coal plants, polluting our air and water and generating hundreds of tons of toxic coal ash waste.

The commission should categorically deny Duke’s heavy-handed rate hike. You can bet the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) will rubber stamp this increase if people don’t speak out like Mayor Willis did.

People, visit the CAC website (citact.org) to learn about Duke’s rate case and go to the public hearings listed there. If you can’t attend, submit a public comment though CAC’s website.

There is a meeting scheduled at 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 27 at the Fishers branch of the Hamilton East Public Library, 5 Municipal Drive.

Jodi Lewis