Words not spoken

From the Heart

I’ve never been a woman of few words. I’ve just hoped and prayed that the words were wise.

I have found that sometimes the best words are no words. That isn’t easy for some like me.

The most difficult time to be quiet is when I want to respond in defense of my decisions or arguing my case. Just a few wrong words can destroy a relationship. So not worth it.

I value relationships more than I value being right or getting in my two cents worth.

Maybe my time and hurt and a tad bit of wisdom has brought me to a place of … no, not going there. No way. Not worth it.

On occasion, taking the emotion out of what someone has said and realizing where they are coming from is wise. Their feelings need validated, even if I do not agree with them.

Oh yes, sometimes my mouth has worked faster than my brain and it has created issues. Sometimes a repair in a relationship was possible, sometimes not. I pray for discernment on a regular basis.

The pain of regret is deep. I have choked on words I wanted to eat.

Words need to be timely and well thought out if there is an argument. Rash words spoken in a moment of heat cannot be erased from the memory. I’ve heard them. I remember them.

Weighing out the value of your words is a lot of effort at times.

Don’t hit SEND when you are angry and you are texting or emailing. Wait a day. Then hit DELETE.

You cannot erase hurtful or angry words once they have been seen.

The closer the relationship the more time before responding is needed. A response is not always needed. Discernment. Discernment. Discernment.

I have much more to say … another time. My thoughts are short this week. Sometimes I say it best when I say nothing at all.