It was a rainy Sunday in 1914 and only a few persons were present for the morning worship at the Sterling Christian Church where Grandpa preached. (Sterling was on the east side of Coal Creek across from Veedersburg, Ind.)
Thinking of the inclement weather and viewing the small audience, Grandpa was feeling rather depressed until Prudence Minnick, 90 years old, came in and took her place on the front seat near the pulpit. Her very presence seemed an inspiration that dispelled his lethargy.
Immediately after dismissal, Grandpa greeted her and expressed his special appreciation for her faithful attendance. She replied, “I suppose there would not be many here today and I came to encourage you.”
“Oh frail body, for my sake, she was going to minister to me.” He cherished her memory.
(Prudence Minnick was born in 1824 and her good deeds are being reported here almost 200 years later). For an equal period of time, your good deeds would be reported in 2222!
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During hard times, the Sterling Christian Church was pastored by Grandfather Howard for $5 a year.
One of the recent members moving to Hamilton County from the church is Ryan McCann, the Executive Director of the Indiana Family Institute. The Indiana Family Institute opened its doors in 1990 as a non-partisan public education and research organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit group.
IFI consists of professional staff, a Board of Directors consisting of state business and community leaders, and numerous volunteers. It works in association with 40 other Family Policy Councils across the nation as well as Focus on the Family, the Family Research Council and Alliance Defending Freedom but the vast majority of its work and effort centers on public policy, research, and education regarding the health and well-being of all Hoosier families.
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Grandpa always had other words of wisdom:
Evil thoughts are better unspoken.
A lazy person cannot be a Christian – preacher not excepted.
It requires more courage to rebuke a friend than to fight a foe.
As the chilling blast of winter, so unkind words from those we love.
He who finds the most fault with others has the least time for self-improvement.
A rolling stone gathers no moss, and a traveling falsehood increases rapidly.
Sin is the wrong use of the blessings that God has bestowed upon us.
I saw a young man recently who certainly loved his mother, for he parted his hair in the middle and actually tried to look like a woman.
Some wayward children bring their parents down to the grave in sorrow, and then erect stately monuments to show how much they love them.
He who has only one talent and improves it is better than a man having five talents and does not improve them, for to whomsoever much is given, of him much will be required.