Things got a little wild in Westfield Tuesday evening at Greek’s Pizzeria, 231 Park St., for July’s Party on the Patio. The crowds were thick and the weather was hotter than a snake’s butt in a wagon rut. Thankfully, some clever cowpoke thought to pass out western bandanas to every attendee who wanted one. And there was bull-riding. Oh yes, there was bull riding! With Westworld in the middle of its fourth season, why not break out the mechanical bull? Brave souls taking that wild ride included (top, from left) Lisa Everling, Angelina Craig, Conner Oke, and Rachel McDaniel. Special thanks go out to friends of The Reporter Ron Moore and Joe Plankis who took a moment to give us a thumbs up . . . or maybe they were trying to hitch a ride to somewhere cooler?
Wild Wild Westfield fans grab the bull by the horns