Why I’m supporting Joel Levi for Indiana Senate District 20

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Dear Editor:

As a Noblesville resident, a mom, and someone who has spent years advocating for gun violence prevention, I take the upcoming election very seriously. I’ve served in different volunteer leadership roles with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America for six years, working hard to push for common-sense solutions to keep our families and communities safe.

I recently made the difficult decision to step down from my most recent position leading Indiana’s chapter to support Joel Levi’s campaign because I believe so strongly in his ability to lead and bring real change to Indiana.

Joel Levi is the candidate we need in the Indiana Senate. His commitment to addressing gun violence and protecting our communities is unwavering. He understands the challenges we face as parents who want our children to grow up in a world where their schools, neighborhoods, and public spaces are safe. He has the courage to stand up for solutions that balance public safety with our rights, and that’s why I believe in him.

But my support for Joel goes beyond gun safety. He’s a champion for public education, healthcare, inclusivity, and building a stronger economy that works for everyone. Joel listens. He cares. And he’s ready to fight for all of us in District 20 – which covers Noblesville, Carmel, and Cicero.

This election is personal to me. I’m choosing to dedicate my time and energy to Joel Levi’s campaign because I know he’s the leader we need. I encourage my neighbors and fellow Hoosiers to join me in voting for Joel Levi this November.

Tricia Owens

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