Grand Junction Plaza, a new six-acre park in Westfield, is primed to become the landmark park of the Midwest.

Westfield’s Grand Junction Plaza is set to be completed in 2020. (Artistic rendering provided)
The City of Westfield along with Land Collective has worked to design a civic space that will be the central focus of the City’s development plan while mitigating regional stormwater and facilitating the restoration of Grassy Branch Creek to its pre-Swamp Act beauty.
Land Collective and Westfield have worked with the Army Corps of Engineers, Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) and the Hamilton Drainage Board to facilitate the remediation of the stream central to the site and to tie it into the regional stormwater mitigation system. Doing so has allowed the design of the park to engage the citizens of Westfield and their friends, giving everyone access to Grassy Branch Creek once more – an opportunity lost in Westfield’s history but something for which the City was once known.
The park will incorporate four key spaces, imaginatively extracted from a singular cube of limestone. They consist of three pavilions – an outdoor performance venue, a café and a trailhead pavilion at the convergence of several highly utilized bicycle and pedestrian thoroughfares – and a children’s play area defined by the fourth missing piece of the cube. In concert with these pavilions, the park features fountains, a winter ice skating loop and age-specific child play areas.
The Plaza area at the northwest quadrant of the park will become a central gathering place for festivals, markets and other events hosted by the City throughout the year.
The park is expected to be completed in 2020.