Westfield voter supports Kristen Burkman for mayor

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Dear Editor:

Who has the best interest of Westfield citizens? Kristen Burkman.

I first met Kristen Burkman when developers were trying to run havoc on the west side of town. We have a Comprehensive Plan for “this” side of town to manage the growth and allow for less dense development. She helped organize the community to limit uncontrolled growth and raise awareness regarding how this uncontrolled growth was impacting the schools.

I could go on and on about her thoughtfulness, organizing skills, research acumen, public speaking skills, leadership, superb communication to the community, negotiating skills, kindness, can-do-attitude, and calming demeanor, but you get the picture. She was a force to be reckoned with when it came to negotiating with the big developers and government officials.

Kristen is for controlled and thoughtful growth in Westfield. With her business background, she knows how to market Westfield and attract new businesses that we can be proud of. At the same time, she is an advocate for preserving greenspace as evidenced in her five-year struggle to help preserve the Woodwind Golf Course so all citizens have access to a golf course in our community. She reached out to citizens of all ages and backgrounds and actually listened to their ideas and concerns.

She is also an advocate for more variety in ages, gender, and backgrounds on the Westfield boards and councils. We need more viewpoints from citizens who are not in the pockets of big developers but represent local and small businesses, too.

If you don’t believe me, follow the money. Do your own research and go to the Hamilton County Campaign Finance Index at secure2.hamiltoncounty.in.gov/CampaignFinance and look up the sources of revenue for each candidate. Kristen Burkman is the only candidate not accepting any money from the developers and PACs. Her decision making will be 100 percent for what is best for Westfield citizens.

This is why I am endorsing Kristen Burkman for Westfield’s mayor. I know her to be a true advocate for the citizens of Westfield.

Karen Hymbaugh
Red Wing Farm