Westfield to establish new park in honor of Joe Edwards

Joe Edwards and his family cut the ribbon on what will soon be Joe Edwards Plaza. (Photo provided by City of Westfield)

City Councilor and lifelong Westfield resident Joe Edwards was honored Monday at an event at the future Lantern Commons mixed-use development site at 161st Street and Westfield Boulevard.

Front Street Partners, the developer of the 60-acre project, have named the future park in Lantern Commons “Joe Edwards Plaza.”

Edwards expressed his gratitude, saying, “I’m not sure I deserve this, but I am honored.” (Photo provided by City of Westfield)

In the surprise announcement that drew family, colleagues, and friends, Edwards expressed his gratitude, saying, “I’m not sure I deserve this, but I am honored.”

Edwards continued, “My heart is in this city and this is where I will die. I will always think of Westfield with great fondness.”

Edward’s grandparents, who farmed the property, formerly owned the land. Joe Edwards Plaza will be a Pocket Park that encompasses up to 1.25 acres. Westfield Mayor-Elect Scott Willis, a city council member, along with Councilor Scott Frei, worked with developers to make the park a reality.

“This piece of land is more than just a public park,” City Council President Mike Johns said. “As I think about the park, I don’t think of it as a gift to Joe. I think of it as a gift from Joe to future residents.”

Edwards, a Republican, represents residents in District 3 and is not seeking re-election. He also served on the Westfield Town Council from 1980 until 1991.

Westfield City Council President Mike Johns (left) said he thinks of the future park as a gift from Joe Edwards to the city’s future residents. Joe Edwards and his wife Jo Ann are seen seated at right. (Photo provided by City of Westfield)

A crowd of Westfield residents gathered to thank Joe Edwards for his many years of service to the city. (Photo provided by City of Westfield)