Westfield reader: Westfield Schools needs McGuire’s leadership now more than ever

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Editor’s note: This letter is in response to the announcement by Westfield Washington Schools that Westfield High School principal Dr. Stacy McGuire will soon serve instead at Administrator of Alternative Learning.

Dear Editor:

My initial reaction seeing Dr. McGuire a.k.a. Stacy Mac not being WHS Principal yesterday was that of shock and then of love/appreciation. She and my mother graduated from WHS when it was still at the middle school, so my family has known her for a long time.

Dr. McGuire started her career at WHS as a biology teacher and became principal a short time later. She has impacted so many student’s lives and has seen us go from under 100 students a class to over 500. Her leadership has been vital to our success along with all the building changes that have come with it, especially now.

Stacy Mac is dearly loved in our community by teachers, parents and students. Not to mention she is always at school events such as sports, band, theater and more with many times being at multiple events a day. With everything happening this past year, her messages of positivity got us through the toughest of times. From the ’80s to now, her presence will be missed by all.

After having reviewed information pertaining to this decision, I feel that it is my responsibility to share what I have learned.

Dr. McGuire is being REMOVED as principal of WHS. This is a decision that was made by Dr. Grate and the school board with a 3-2 vote. I am appreciative to have Dr. Grate as our Superintendent, but this is the wrong move. This vote was held on Sunday, June 7 unbeknownst to the public.

We at WHS had no clue that Stacy Mac, OUR principal, might be “reassigned.” This new position of Administrator of Alternative Learning for Westfield Washington Schools was created solely for her. Like many others, I did not understand why someone else could not be in this role. Especially with the aforementioned changes we are going through, we NEED Dr. McGuire’s leadership.

Here’s why. Dr. McGuire’s contract is up for renewal at the end of next school year, 2020-21. This is being seen NOT as a promotion but as a way to push Dr. McGuire out of the school system. If she is in this new role, instead of the principal of one of the best schools in the state, it is easier to push her out. In every situation, we deserve transparency.

Last night, a student started a petition on Change.org protesting this move. There are currently over 2,800 signatures, and if you are upset by this move as I and many others are, I encourage you to take action.

Below are the email addresses of Dr. Grate and the school board members who voted in favor of this decision. School Board members Bill Anderson and Rebecca Ogle were the two no votes.





If I am compromising my position at WHS by sharing this information, then so be it. As a former WHS mascot, my love for WWS and Stacy Mac is more important. Through truth and transparency is the only way business should be conducted, especially when it’s a big decision such as this. Dr. McGuire is our ROCK and we need her now more than ever.


Victor R. McCarty


1 Comment on "Westfield reader: Westfield Schools needs McGuire’s leadership now more than ever"

  1. Bruno Pigott | June 15, 2020 at 12:15 pm |

    Why was she removed?

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