Westfield reader questions Health Board appointment

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Dear Editor:

During the April 14 Hamilton Country Health Department Board meeting, Rene Dillinger was introduced as a new member of the health board.

While Mrs. Dillinger’s background in the health care arena does deem her a viable candidate for the role, as the spouse of County Commissioner Steve Dillinger, I would question the appropriateness of her appointment. Mrs. Dillinger is quick to point out that her spouse did not participate in her appointment, yet one might wonder what conversations occurred amongst the three Commissioners in advance to settle on this appointment.

Because the County Commissioners are responsible for overseeing many aspects of the functions of Hamilton County (hamiltoncounty.in.gov/635/Commissioners-Purpose-and-Duties), including the distribution of funds and authorization of grants, it seems that there would be a conflict of interest, even an element of nepotism in this appointment.

Taxpayers should be assured that there is the upmost effort made to ensure that conflicts of interest, and/or the appearance of conflicts are avoided at all times.

Since there are three Commissioners, it does not seem practical that anytime a decision needs to be made regarding health department issues that Mr. Dillinger recuse himself; who would break the tie in the event that the remaining two commissioners differ in their opinions? What influence will Mr. Dillinger have on his peers even if he disengages from decision-making? What assurances can be made that decisions will be made without Mr. and Mrs. Dillinger impacting each other’s considerations for the other’s roles?

Unless there can be clear assurances that conflicts will not occur, it would seem responsible for the County Commissioners to identify a different, neutral and unrelated individual to fill the previously unfilled seat on the health board.

Cathy Nickels-Herndon
